Week 10: We raced toy cars! Believe it or not, I was a toy car-loving girl when I was little. I collected Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and Pocket Cars (Tomica). The Pocket Cars were my favorite. I still have my collection, and Isaac plays with them when we’re in the US. My mom used to babysit a boy who was a little younger than me, and he’s the one who taught me the way to have a toy car race. We each chose 10 cars and raced them one at a time in the entry hall. We took turns to see who could roll our car the farthest without hitting the wall. The loser lost his/her car, and the game continued until one person lost all his/her cars, and the other person won. That’s why I chose Pocket Cars to buy—they rolled more smoothly than Hot Wheels or Matchbox! Too bad they don’t sell them anymore. Anyway, we decided to have our family night race on the dining room table, primarily because Greg doesn’t like getting down on the floor (he’s a tall guy). We chose only 5 cars each to race, and guess who won! Gabriela! The youngest in the family! Anyway, it was a lot of fun (even if Isaac grumped a bit about losing).
P.S. Never put duct tape on a table. Greg’s idea, not mine…just for the record. ; )
Week 11: Instead of doing a regular family night, we had Easter egg hunts with the kids. We would have done that anyway, but we thought it was enough to count as a family night since we did it as a family. We did Gabriela’s egg hunt separately and allowed Isaac and Moriah to hide hers (under my supervision). Then Greg and I hid eggs for the older two. We didn’t dye eggs this year, and we had a shortage of baskets, but they didn’t care.