Thursday 6 January 2011

All About Me

Since this blog is going to be about things I like, I thought I should write a little about myself.  Also, an introduction of the sorts of things I DO like may give some indication of what sorts of things I will be blogging about.

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I’m in my late 30s, so of course I’m a 70s child.  (I love stuff from the 70s!)  This year I’ll celebrate 12 years of marriage to my wonderful husband, and we have 3 amazing and sweet children.  They are at the top of my list…even though they’re people, not things!  My parents are my heroes, and I have a very lovely and sweet sister.  I’m a born-again, Spirit-filled Christian.  I love Jesus with all my heart, and I strive to be like Him.  I’m nowhere near perfect, so I’m very grateful for His love and mercy.  I have a degree in Elementary Education.  I’ve worked in public and private schools as a teacher, aide, and substitute teacher.  So, there you go.  That’s who I am in a nutshell…sort of...

I have a lot of hobbies and activities I like to do, but I’m not necessarily gifted or experienced in all of them!  My hobbies include reading, writing, travel, collecting, and photography.  I would like to improve in piano, Spanish, exercising, writing, and crafting.  I used to scrapbook and collect antiques, but my change of location to England has prevented any further enjoyment of those hobbies.  I’m hoping someday to take up geocaching.  I enjoy homeschooling more than anything—I love spending time with my kids, and I love teaching. 

I also like:  blogging, facebook, games, popcorn, charity shops, yard sales, country auctions, picnics, museums, old movies, castles, European gardens, English tea with milk, sweet ice tea in the summer, old houses, beaches, mountains, National Trust, homemade cookies, Jane Austen, Willy Wonka candy, Swiss chocolate, the Andy Griffith Show, pizza, the Lake District in England, Mexican food, Nancy Drew mysteries, Chick Fil-A, oldies music, barbecues, Lord of the Rings, Snugbury’s ice cream, Narnia, antiques, IMAX, lemonade, Silver Dollar City, classical music, large front porches with porch swings, Norman Rockwell, Sooner/Husker football (I’m a confused football fan, I know), Christmas music, history, and the X Factor.  I love to travel and have been all over Britain (since I live here), France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada (British Columbia), and 27 states in the US (plus 2 if you count airports).

Someday I would like to (is this what they call a bucket list?): adopt more children, visit all 7 continents, write children’s books, visit relatives in Nicaragua, learn another language or two, and meet the Duggar family.  Random sorts of things, I know (hehe).  Trumping all those goals, however, is the desire to follow God’s call on my life.  Nothing else is as important to me!

I’m not sure which things on that list will make it to this blog, but I am planning a weekly post of my photography.  I don’t have the best camera, and I’ve never had a photography class in my life.  However, I love and appreciate good photography, and I’m going to take at least one photo each day this year and post them here.  I don’t know if anyone else will be at all interested in seeing my photos, but I can do this for myself and be satisfied with that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie,
    My name is Dana. I live in Montana and would love to see England. That is how I found your blog...Moving to England sounds like a big change.. I have a blog too but don't have lots of time to write on it.. I have 5 children.. 1 is mine and the rest we adopted.. well, our last adoption is in place.. My blog is I would love to keep in touch and know more about England.. Are you there now? are you missionaries? how did you get there?? sorry so many questions... I am married also of 17 years.. We live in Marion, MT.. out in the woods... far from town.. I actually found your other blog first and then found this one and noticed you were on it so I wanted to get in touch.. My email is Please check my blog out so you know I am not some weird person.. I am not... Blessings to you and your family..
    Happy Easter too... Dana Jones.
